Guidelines for mainstreaming the gender perspective in statistical production

This Guide is a regional standard adopted at the XII Meeting of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (SCA-ECLAC). These guidelines were developed by the working group on the preparation of a guide for mainstreaming the gender perspective in statistical during the 2022–2023 biennium. The working group was coordinated by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico, and the Division for Gender Affairs of ECLAC, the Statistics Division of ECLAC and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women) served as its technical secretariat. The countries belonging to the working group and their lead agencies are: Argentina (National Institute of Statistics and Censuses), Brazil (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), Chile (National Institute of Statistics), Colombia (National Administrative Department of Statistics), Costa Rica (National Institute of Statistics and Censuses), Cuba (National Office of Statistics and Information and the Centre for Women’s Studies), Dominican Republic (National Statistical Office), Ecuador (National Institute of Statistics and Censuses), El Salvador (Department of Statistics and Censuses and the Salvadoran Institute for the Development of Women), Mexico (National Institute of Statistics and Geography and the National Women’s Institute), Paraguay (National Institute of Statistics), Peru (National Institute of Statistics and Informatics), Plurinational State of Bolivia (National Institute of Statistics) and Uruguay (National Institute of Statistics and National Women’s Institute).