Executive power: percentage of women in ministerial cabinet positions
Latin America and the Caribbean has seen a discrete increase in women's participation in presidential cabinets, considering the last three terms of government. In Latin American countries, there have been slight increases, with averages of 23.5% (before previous period), 23.9% (previous period), and 28.7% (last presidential term).
The Latin American countries that have had the largest increases between the previous period and the current one are Chile (+31.3 p.p), Mexico (+26.3 p.p), Panama (+19.1 p.p) and Argentina (+ 13.5 pp). Chile stands out, as of March 2022 it holds a presidential cabinet with 58% women, and it is currently the country with the highest representation of women at the regional level, followed by Costa Rica (50%), Mexico (44 %) and Colombia (41.5%). The countries with the lowest participation of women in their presidential cabinets are Brazil (6.3%), Uruguay (10%) and Guatemala (11.5%).
In the Caribbean countries, the increases in relation to the previous period have been slight, passing from 19.5 to 21.6% of women in the 18 cabinets analyzed. This increase is explained by the increase in the presence of women in the presidential cabinets of Barbados (+25.6 p.p), Guyana (+20.6 p.p), the British Virgin Islands (+20.0 p.p) and Anguilla (+ 15.0 p.p), the latter being the Caribbean country with the highest proportion of women in its ministerial cabinet (40%), followed by Guyana, with 36.4%, and Trinidad and Tobago together with Dominica, both with a 33% of women in their respective cabinets.