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28/07/2015 | Documento
Mainstreaming the gender perspective

Shelter from the storm: A transformative agenda for women and girls in a crisis-prone world

More than 100 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance - more than at any time since the end of the Second World War. Among those displaced by conflict or uprooted by disaster are tens of millions of women and adolescent girls. This report is a call to action to meet their needs and ensure their rights.
Portada Refugio en la tormenta: Un programa transformador para las mujeres y las niñas en un mundo proclive a las crisis

While remarkable progress has been achieved during the past decade protecting the health and rights of women and adolescent girls in humanitarian settings, the growth in need has outstripped the growth in funding and services. Yet, these services are of critical importance, especially for very young adolescent girls, who are the most vulnerable and least able to confront the many challenges they face, even in stable times.