Political and administrative structure
A social welfare state. Unitary, indivisible and decentralized, as established by the Constitution and other laws (1992 Constitution, Art. 1). "Municipalities are organs of local government endowed with legal capacity. Within their jurisdiction, they possess political, administrative and normative autonomy, and are independent in the collection and expenditure of resources." (Art.166, Section III - Municipalities. 1992 Constitution). The country is divided into 17 departments and 231 departments with municipal status.
National parliament
El Congreso es bicameral y está compuesto de una Cámara de Senadores y otra de Diputados. Los miembros titulares y suplentes de ambas Cámaras serán elegidos directamente por el pueblo, de conformidad con la ley. Los miembros suplentes sustituirán a los titulares en caso de muerte, renuncia o inhabilidad de éstos, por el resto del período constitucional o mientras dure la inhabilidad, si ella fuese temporal. En los demás casos, resolverá el reglamento de cada Cámara. La Cámara de Diputados es la de representación departamental y se compone de ochenta (80) miembros titulares como mínimo, y de igual número de suplentes, elegidos directamente por el pueblo en colegios electorales departamentales. La ciudad de la Asunción constituirá un Colegio Electoral con representación en dicha Cámara (Art. 221, Constitución de Paraguay). La Cámara de Senadores se compondrá de cuarenta y cinco miembros (45) titulares como mínimo, y de treinta suplentes, elegidos directamente por el pueblo en una sola circunscripción nacional (Art. 223, Constitución de Paraguay).
Municipal government
Municipal governments are headed by a governor and a municipal council (Art. 167, Section III - Municipalities. 1992 Constitution).
Duration of terms
Terms last four years.
Representation system
Simple majority for municipal governors. Single-district, closed-list, proportional distribution system based on D'Hondt method for departmental councils.
Type of list
Closed list.
Electoral constituency
Uninominal for governors; plurinominal for departmental council members.
Quota and parity laws
See Laws.
Legal instruments applicable to municipalities
1992 Constitution.
Electoral Justice
The Constitution provides for an electoral justice system adscribed to the Judicial Branch. The entities comprising this system are responsible for convening, adjudging, organizing, directing, supervising and overseeing acts and issues pertaining to general, departmental and municipal elections, as well as the rights and duties of elected officials (Constitution, Art. 273-275). The electoral justice system is also responsible for penalizing parties which fail to meet gender quotas. http://www.tsje.gov.py/estructura.php