Venezuela - Political and electoral system
Political and administrative structure
Venezuela is a federal State divided into states, which are divided into autónomos (autonomous governments). The country is comprised of 335 municipalities (incorporated into 23 states and the Capital District), which are divided into parishes. Municipalities constitute the basic political unit of the country. They possess full legal capacity and autonomy, within the limits established by the Constitution and the law.
National parliament
La Asamblea Nacional es unicameral y está integrada por 277 diputados y diputadas elegidos o elegidas en cada entidad federal por votación universal, directa, personalizada y secreta con representación proporcional, según una base poblacional del uno coma uno por ciento de la población total del país.
Municipal government
Municipal government and administration are entrusted to a mayor, who also serves as the highest local civil authority (Article 174, Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela). Legislative functions are entrusted to a municipal council comprised of councilpersons elected in accordance with the Constitution. The number of members comprising a municipal council and the eligibility requirements they must meet are established by law (Article 175, Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela).
Duration of terms
Mayors serve four-year terms, and may be re-elected for a single consecutive term (Article 174, Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela). Councilpersons serve four-year terms (Article 2, Electoral Statute).
Representation system
Majority / relative majority electoral system. Mayors are elected by majority of votes (Article 174, Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela). Councilpersons are elected through a system entitled Personal Proportional Representation.
Type of list
El sistema de votación utilizado para la elección de Concejales, Diciembre 2000 fue una variante del sistema de doble voto, uno de tipo nominal en circunscripciones nominales (que puede incluir uno o más votos, si es uninominal o plurinominal) y uno por una lista cerrada y bloqueada
Electoral constituency
Mayors are chosen by uninominal constituency. Two types of constituency apply for councilpersons. One is municipal (based on the country's political and territorial organization), and is used to calculate proportional representation. The other (or others) is/are nominal; its/their number depends on the number of seats open to election by majority.
Quota and parity laws
Resolution on congressional elections for the year 2008 stipulates 50%.
Legal instruments applicable to municipalities
Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela; Organic Municipal Law; Community Councils Law.
Electoral Justice
National Electoral Court.