Political and administrative structure
Representative, republican and federal. Divided into provinces, which are divided into departments or partidos (municipalities). The latter are administered by municipal governments. "Each province shall establish its own constitution, pursuant to Article 5, providing for municipal autonomy and regulating its scope and content within the institutional, political, administrative, economic and financial order." (National Constitution. Part Two. Authorities of the Nation. Title II. Art. 123).
National parliament
El Congreso de la Nación es bicameral, una cámara corresponde a las y los Diputados de la Nación y otra cámara a Senadores y Senadoras de las provincias y de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Las y los representantes de ambas cámaras son elegidos directamente por el pueblo. En el caso de la cámara de Diputados, el número de representantes será de uno (1) por cada treinta y tres mil habitantes o fracción que no baje de dieciséis mil quinientos. El Senado se compondrá de tres (3) senadores por cada provincia y tres por la ciudad de Buenos Aires, elegidos en forma directa y conjunta.
Municipal government
Municipalities are made up of an executive department, presided by a municipal Intendente (governor), and a deliberative council, made up of councilpersons. The country is divided into 2,247 municipalities. www.indec.mecon.ar. Consulted in November 2008.
Duration of terms
The municipal governor and councilpersons are elected by suffrage, for a four-year term.
Representation system
Type of list
Closed non-party lists; mixed-member lists at the municipal level.
Electoral constituency
Uninominal for mayors; plurinominal for councilpersons.
Quota and parity laws
See Regulations.
Legal instruments applicable to municipalities
The Argentine municipal system is characterized by its diversity. The National Constitution takes precedence over all other laws, and municipal constitutions must defer accordingly. Each province is governed by its own constitution, in accordance with Article 5, "providing for municipal autonomy and regulating its scope and content within the institutional, political, administrative, economic and financial order." (National Constitution. Part Two. Authorities of the Nation. Title II. Art. 123).
Electoral Justice
The National Electoral Chamber (CNE) is part of the national electoral justice system. It is comprised of 24 federal courts of first instance, each exercising jurisdiction over an electoral district (23 provinces and the city of Buenos Aires).