Grenada - Political and electoral system

Political and administrative structure

Nación independiente, parte de la Mancomunidad de Naciones Británica. Su forma de gobierno es la democracia parlamentaria en un régimen de monarquía constitucional. El Jefe de Estado es el Monarca Británico, representado en el país por un Gobernador General. El Jefe de Gobierno es el Primer Ministro, quien es designado por el Gobernador General en función de su posición en tanto líder del Partido o Coalición mayoritaria en un proceso electoral.

Granada está dividida en seis (6) parroquias y una (1) dependencia.

National parliament

Bicameral (Senate and House of Representatives).

Municipal government

Grenada does not have a Provincial level of Government. After the National level, Grenada is subdivided into 6 parishes and 1 dependency (Carriacou and Petite Martinique). Local government in the form of a city council is currently in the process of being implemented in the islands of Carriacou and Petite Martinique, giving the residents there more say in local affairs.

Duration of terms

Prime Minister, Senate and House of Representatives: Maximum of 5 years from formation of government.

Representation system

House of Representatives: Majority: Simple majority vote. Vacancies arising between general elections are filled through by-elections.
Senate: 10 Senators appointed by the Governor-General on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, and 3 chosen on the recommendation of the Leader of the Opposition.
Voting is not compulsory.

Type of list

No aplica.

Electoral constituency

House of Representatives: 15 single-member constituencies.

Quota and parity laws


Legal instruments applicable to municipalities

Carriacou and Petite Martinique County Council Act 1995

Electoral Justice

Órgano de Gestión Electoral de tipo mixto. Oficina Electoral del Parlamento