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21/11/2023 | Document

Bulletin Femicidal violence in figures. Latin America and the Caribbean - No 2. Preventing femicides: an obligation for States and a persistent challenge in the region

Bulletin Femicidal violence in figures. Latin America and the Caribbean - No 2. Preventing femicides: an obligation for States and a persistent challenge in the region

Violence against women and girls and its most extreme expression, femicide, feminicide or violent deaths of women due to gender, make visible in a dramatic way the persistence of the structural nodes of gender inequality, discrimination and gender-based violence against women and girls in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The document includes the latest data reported by official organizations to the Gender Equality Observatory of Latin America and the Caribbean (OIG) of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). This represents at least one feminicide, femicide or violent death of a woman due to gender every two hours in the region. ECLAC urges the governments of the region to redouble their efforts to improve registration and information systems, to increase budget for public policies that respond comprehensively to victims and survivors, and to invest in effective prevention, strengthening risk assessment and effective protection measures for victims, their access to medical, psychosocial and legal assistance services, among others, and educational, economic and employment opportunities.