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08/06/2018 | Document
Political participation
Sexual and reproductive health

Gender Statistics: Social indicators for women in Brazil

As the organ responsible for official Brazilian statistics, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE, with the publishing of its study Estatísticas de gênero: indicadores sociais das mulheres no Brasil (“Gender statistics: social indicators for women in Brazil”), reinforces the importance of
producing gender indicators with a dual objective: enriching the discussion, providing highlighted information on the subject, and corroborating the importance of maintaining a permanent public agenda which places gender equality as one of the axes to structure the formulation of public policies in Brazil
Portada Estatísticas de Gênero: Indicadores sociais das mulheres no Brasil

The parameters used to construct national indicators are based on the Minimum Set of Gender Indicators - MSGI, organized by the United Nations Statistical Commission4 in 2013, to be used by countries and regions for domestic production and international harmonization of gender statistics.   The indicators are classified in three levels aimed at measuring gender equality and/or female empowerment.


IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística)