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31/05/2013 | Document
Sexual and reproductive health

Understanding and addressing violence against women. Sexual Violence

Sexual violence encompasses acts that range from verbal harassment to forced penetration, and an array of types of coercion, from social pressure and intimidation to physical force.
Portada Comprender y abordar la violencia contra las mujeres. Violencia sexual

The best quality prevalence data on sexual violence come from populationbased surveys. Other sources of data on sexual violence include police reports and studies from clinical settings and nongovernmental organizations; however, because only a small proportion of cases are reported in these settings, they produce underestimates of prevalence. For example, a Latin American study estimated that only around 5% of adult victims of sexual violence reported the incident to the police.


  • Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS)
  • Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS)

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NLM: WA309