Unpaid work time by own income and sex
When analyzing two crucial resources for economic autonomy such as income and time, it is observed that the asymmetries between men and women have a monetary component, but they also have a component in the allocation of the activities demanded in the home that widens the gender gap within these.
In the group of women with no income of their own, unpaid working time is between 16% and 56% greater than the unpaid working time of women who do have their own income.
One aspect to highlight for the design of public policies is that, although women reduce their unpaid workload by earning their own income, associated with the possibility of buying some services and products in the market and the use of time in the labor market, the gender gap does not diminish. The difference in hours allocated to unpaid work between men and women remains very large, more than double in most cases. This dynamic has been largely attributed to discrimination and traditional gender stereotypes in the assignment of work and their respective social value.
Policies that promote women's access to their own income can result in a decrease in their unpaid workload, but if this is not accompanied by the co-responsibility approach between men and women within the household, gender inequalities cannot be overcome in terms of redistribution of the total workload.