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Gender Equality Bulletin - No 3. International trade as an opportunity to promote women’s economic autonomy: contributions for reflection in Latin America and the Caribbean

The countries of Latin America and the Caribbean face structural challenges related to the region’s pattern of productive and trade specialization; and these are compounded by persistent gender inequalities, both in labour markets and in the social organization of care. Poorly diversified production and vulnerability to external shocks make it more difficult to achieve gender equality. These factors detract from labour market dynamism, restrict the exploitation of capacities and lead to an unequal distribution of the benefits of growth and the costs of economic adjustments. Moreover, violence against women, the excessive burden of unpaid work and the gender wage gap are barriers to women’s full participation in economies. These factors serve to perpetuate structural gaps; and they inhibit innovation, the creation of more diverse work environments and more complex and equal production structures (ECLAC, 2019).