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  • 11/03/2020 | Note for equality

    Note for Equality N°30: The care economy as an accelerator of the structural change with equality

    The progress towards a development agenda based on economic, social and environmental sustainability must incorporate the
    concept of care to ensure a structural change within the framework of inclusive growth. As ECLAC has stated, it is necessary to
    move from the culture of privilege to the culture of equality, and place emphasis on new forms of distribution (of time and other
    resources), incorporating essential aspects for the reproduction of life, such as care work.
  • 05/03/2019 | Note for equality

    Note for Equality Nº 29: Women in the pension systems of the region

    Pension systems in Latin America and the Caribbean reproduce and intensify structural inequalities present in other areas. In particular, pension systems in the region are strongly associated with the type of relationship people have with the labor market, which is often characterized by high rates informality, precariousness and the proliferation of gender inequalities. The demographic changes related to the aging and feminization of the elderly population exacerbates the challenges faced by women to achieve economic autonomy.
  • 30/01/2019 | Note for equality

    Note for Equality Nº 28: Women in the future of work

    The segmentation of Latin American labour markets - a consequence of the high degree of structural heterogeneity and the persistent sexual division of labour - limits women’s employment and concentrates them in certain sectors and occupations of the economy. The accelerated changes product of the adoption of digital technologies pose new scenarios for the world of work. In addition, the ongoing process of population aging presents challenges and opportunities for women’s autonomy and for the achievement of a more equal participation in the labour market.
  • 15/11/2018 | Note for equality

    Note for Equality N° 27: Femicide, the most extreme expression of violence against women

    At least 2,795 women were victims of femicide in 23 Latin American and Caribbean countries in 2017, according to data provided by national public agencies to ECLAC’s Gender Equality Observatory for Latin America and the Caribbean. The severity of the phenomenon has forced 18 Latin American countries to modify their laws to sanction femicide: Costa Rica (2007), Guatemala (2008), Chile and El Salvador (2010), Argentina, Mexico and Nicaragua (2012), Bolivia (Plur. State of), Honduras, Panama and Peru (2013), Ecuador, Dominican Republic and Venezuela (Bol. Rep.) (2014), Brazil and Colombia (2015), Paraguay (2016) and Uruguay (2017).
  • 08/08/2018 | Note for equality

    Note for Equality N° 26: The challenges of equality for Afro-Latin American, Afro-Caribbean and diaspora women

    The current situation of Afro-descendant women in Latin America and the Caribbean shows the persistence of deep inequalities regarding other social groups. The study “Mujeres afrodescendientes en América Latina y el Caribe. Deudas de igualdad” offers evidence that will allow progress towards transformative policies that account for one of the great challenges of the 2030 Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean: the achievement of gender equality in an intersectional perspective, that recognizes and values the existing ethno-racial diversity in the region.
  • 08/01/2018 | Note for equality

    Note for Equality N° 25: Who takes care of dependant population in the city? Urban politics and women’s economic autonomy

    In Latin America, cities play a central role in planning and developing policies to promote the progress of its people, improve their living conditions and guarantee their rights. In this context, women and men have different needs and aspirations in the urban space, as well as unequal opportunities to access the goods and resources of the city, particularly due to the current sexual division of labour.
  • 24/05/2017 | Note for equality

    Note for Equality N° 24: Planning for equality and women's autonomy

    The gender equality plans developed by the governments of the region show how States intend to overcome the critical nodes of gender discrimination and women's autonomy in all areas of development, in line with the international commitments of the Regional Gender Agenda.