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15/10/2013 | Note for equality

Note for Equality N° 12: In Latin America and the Caribbean 5 out of 10 women of working age are out of the labor market

Today, half of Latin-American and Caribbean women are still out of labor market. Only five out of ten women of working age participate in the labor force, as opposed to eight in ten men.

How to promote gender equality in the labor market?

It is necessary for States to define active public policies that facilitate and guarantee access and permanence of women in the labor market. These actions could include:
●   Mainstreaming and institutionalization of the principles of non-discrimination and gender equality within public organisms, policies and legal regulations related to employment.
●   Active employment policies for women, such as work training, labor mediation and special employment schemes that take diversity into account, paying special attention to young, indigenous or afro-descendent women.
●   Professional training policies and programs for women.
●   Guaranteeing the access of women to assets and productive loans, especially rural women.
●   Inclusion of the principle of non-discrimination within national policy objectives, including non-discrimination towards people with familiar responsibilities, so that they can fulfill without conflict both their familial and professional responsibilities, guaranteeing their integration and permanence in the labor force and their reintegration after periods of absence.
●   Initiatives for conciliation between paid work and care: parental licenses, development and expansion of public and private community services for children and dependent persons, of good quality, appropriate and accessible.
●   Guarantee and access to legal and administrative tribunals in order to present work complaints and the promotion of women’s participation in union activity and collective negotiation.
●   Promotion of business and entrepreneurship capacities and capabilities of women.