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15/06/2012 | Note for equality

Note for Equality N° 4: Sustainable development depends on women

A development model affected by multiple crises (food, climate, energy and financial) generates inequality and higher environmental risks for poor populations, where there are more women than men.

How to build equal sustainable development?

●  Changes must be made to the paradigm with which we analyse development and assess the gross domestic product. The gender and the environment agenda suggest that GDP does not capture the complexity of production processes and social relations, both from the standpoint of environmental impact and of the unpaid work of women.

●  Create a global pact in solidarity with future generations, which coupled with the demographic transition process strategically locates issues that particularly affect women, such as provision of care. This requires comprehensive improvements in the integration of women in employment and establishment of public care policies which allow greater economic autonomy for women.

●  Include women as key actors in development processes, consultation, design and implementation of policies and programs, giving due consideration to their needs. This means taking into account women's time in processes of planning and urban development, the provision of services (such as water, energy, and transportation), water privatization, and agricultural policies, among others. It also implies considering their needs for access to credit, assets, training, technology, property rights and patents.

●  Recognise that sustainable development goals must include gender equality and empowerment of women both as a goal in its own right, as well as a fundamental part of all other goals.