Note for Equality N° 6: Death of women at the hands of their partners persists in the region
How to make progress towards the eradication of violence against women?
● Promote the creation of a comprehensive system of intervention which provides internal consistency to sector responses, operating under a strong political leadership and counts with adequate and continuous funding.
● Improve data production, both on the basis of population surveys and through the systematization of administrative registers, unifying the registers.
● Strategies to transform culture and the conditions wherein social relations are established and consolidated are required.
● Improve the interventions of the judicial power through actions of training, monitoring and control actions, as well as integrating the interventions with public policies.
● Guarantee access to justice and provide support during the legal process for victims of violence, the latter through the implementation of social policies
● Articulate the actions of various organisms, bodies and follow-up mechanisms of the universal and regional human rights protection systems.
● Develop and strengthen the judicial definition of femicide in legislation.
● Support the realization and dissemination of empirical investigations regarding access to justice for women victims of violence.