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  • Leyes de matrimonio Infantil Physical Autonomy

    Chapter 45:01, Marriage Act

    Section 31(1) states that where either of the parties, not being a widower or widow, or a divorced person, is under the age of eighteen years, no marriage shall take place between them until the consent of the appropiate person or persons has been obtained. However, section 32(2) states that if a female under the age of sixteen years becomes pregnant or is delivered of a child, she may apply by petition to a Judge of the High Court, for permission to be married.  

  • Leyes de matrimonio Infantil Physical Autonomy

    The Marriage Act

    Section 3(2) provides that any marriage solemnized between persons either of whom is under the age of sixteen years shall be void, and section 24 states that persons who have reached the age of eighteen years and widowers or widows may marry without the consent of others.

  • Leyes de matrimonio Infantil Autonomía física

    Ley 57, Código Civil (Actualizado al 2020)

    El artículo 117 establece que los menores de 18 años, podrán contraer matrimonio con permiso expreso, por escrito, de sus padres legítimos o naturales. El artículo 140 nº 2 consagra como causal de nulidad del matrimonio que cualquiera de los contrayentes, hombre o mujer, sea menor de 14 años.