An act to provide for the protection of children and the preservation of the fundamental rights and freedoms of a child and other related matters. Provides for the establishment and functions of the Department of Social Development headed by a Comissioner responsible for the application of this act. Part 4 defines parental responsibilities of legal guardians. Part 5 on ""Care and Protection of Children"" defines ""A child is in need of care and protection where the child is likely to suffer or is suffering harm"" and describes in which cases the Comissioner must intervene for the safety and welfare of children.
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Participación de mujeres en gabinetes ministeriales (En porcentajes)
Informes y estudios
No hay resultados.
Políticas de igualdad de género
No hay resultados.
Leyes más recientes
- Ley / Política Autonomía económica
Child Protection Act
- Ley / Política Physical Autonomy
Domestic Violence Act
An Act to provide greater protection for victims of domestic violence by empowering the Court to grant a protection order and for other related matters.
The bill defines domestic violence as any controlling or abusive behaviour in a domestic relationship that harms or may harm the health, safety or well-being of a person or a child regardless of gender or sexuality and includes but is not limited to the following:
(a) physical abuse or threats of physical abuse;
(b) sexual abuse or threats of sexual abuse;
(c) emotional, verbal or psychological abuse;
(d) economic abuse;
(e) intimidation;
(f) harassment;
(g) stalking;
(h) ill-treating or threatening to ill-treat any person who has a close relationship with the applicant even though that relationship may not be a domestic relationship;
(i) causing or threatening to cause damage to or destruction of property; or
(j) entry into the applicant’s residence without consent, where the parties do not share the same residence. - Ley / Política Economic Autonomy
General Orders, Chapter 7:
In paragraph 7.24 states that "Women officers will be eligible for the grant of thirteen weeks maternity leave with full salary of which not fewer than four (if officer is physically on the job) and not more than six weeks may be taken before the estimated date of confinement Officers who have served less than one year will have their maternity leave prorated accordingly". In paragraph 7.26 it reads "Male officers who have served for more than 1 year will be eligible for the grant of a maximum of two weeks paternity leave in any one year with full salary which should be taken any time up to 6 weeks after the baby’s birth".