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Islas Vírgenes Británicas

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Participación de mujeres en gabinetes ministeriales (En porcentajes)

Informes y estudios

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Políticas de igualdad de género

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Leyes más recientes

  • Ley / Política Autonomía física

    Domestic Violence Act

    The present act provides greater protection for victims of domestic violence and to makes provision for the granting of protection orders and for matters connected therewith.

    It defines domestic violence as “any controlling or abusive behaviour that harms or may harm the health, safety or well-being of a person or any child and includes but is not limited to the following:

    (a) physical abuse or threats of physical abuse; (b) sexual abuse or threats of sexual abuse; (c) emotional, verbal or psychological abuse; (d) economic abuse; (e) intimidation; (f) harassment; (g) stalking; (h) damage to or destruction of property; or (i) entry into the applicant’s residence without consent, where the parties do not share the same residence”. It also defines what behaviours constitute “economic abuse”, “emotional, verbal and psychological abuse”, “harassment”, “intimidation”, “physical abuse”, “sexual abuse” and “stalking”.

    The act disposes that the Court may make an order directing a police officer to seize any firearm or dangerous weapon in the possession or under the control of the respondent.

  • Ley / Política Interrelationship of the autonomies

    First National Gender Policy for Equity and Equality for the Virgin Islands

    This First National Gender Policy for Equity and Equality for the Virgin Islands is conceived as a foundation for anchoring a greater gender sensitivity and understanding of the impact of gender on society, at all levels. It stablishes the need for sex disaggregated data gathering and analysis to ensure that programmes and actions are rationally determined and executed on the basis of evidence. It proposes additional legislative reform that builds on the existing legal framework pointing to areas such as labour code oversight and the vulnerability of immigrant populations. It points to the need for legal literacy in an increasingly urbanized and sophisticated population. This document outlines a framework for the Co-ordination and Implementation of the Policy urging that recognition be given to the value of the work of the Office for Gender Affairs in the development process. The Policy presents a full Action Plan and Indicator Matrix outlining actions, expected outcomes and responsible agencies for the deliverables within the time bound period.

  • Ley / Política Autonomía física

    Criminal Code

    Section 187 of the Criminal Code, creates a specific clause that offers some form of protection specifically to females and children.

    It reads: “Any person who is guilty of an aggravated assault on any female, or on any male child whose age appears to the court not to exceed fourteen years, if the assault is not committed in circumstances for which a greater punishment is provided by this Code, is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, or to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars.