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Santa Lucía

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Participación de mujeres en gabinetes ministeriales (En porcentajes)

Informes y estudios

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Políticas de igualdad de género

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Leyes más recientes

  • Ley / Política Autonomía económica

    Child (Care, Protection and Adoption) Act

    The purposes of this Act are to provide for the care and protection of a child from abuse and neglect; to provide for the adoption of a child in Saint Lucia in a way that promotes the well-being and the best interest of the child throughout his or her life, and supports efficient and accountable practice in the delivery of an adoption service, amongst others. 

  • Ley / Política Physical Autonomy

    The Counter-Trafficking Act

    The object of this Act is to prescribe measures to prevent and combat trafficking in persons with particular regard to victims who are women and children, by

    (a) protecting and assisting victims of trafficking, having due regard to their human rights;

    (b) facilitating the efficient investigation of cases of trafficking in persons;

    (c) facilitating the just and effective punishment of individuals and organizations involved in trafficking in persons;

    (d) promoting cooperation between Saint Lucia and other States in order to prevent and suppress trafficking in persons and to punish offenders.

  • Ley / Política Economic Autonomy

    Labour Act, 2006 (No. 37 of 2006)

    Maternity is one of the circumstances protected under these regulations. Protections include: prohibition against discrimination on grounds of pregnancy (art. 285), marital status (art. 286); establishes the rights of pregnant employees such as maternity leave and right of return (art. 287). Establishes duration of maternity leave to 6 weeks before confinement and at least 6 weeks after confinement (art. 288).