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26/08/2021 | Indicator

Proportion of elected seats held by women in deliberative bodies of local government (SDG indicator 5.5.1b)


Over the last years, women's political participation has   increased, allowing them to participate in decision making processes. In the region, despite the slight annual increase rate, women's rerpresentation in local government in the region is far from reaching gender parity: As of 1 January 2023, women represented 27.2% of local deliberative bodies in Latin America and the Caribbean .   There is wide variation of women’s representation in local deliberative bodies within the region. Some countries have reached or are very close to parity – Antigua and Barbuda (67%), Bolivia (50%), Mexico (47%), Costa Rica (46%) – while other countries are lagging – Panama (9%), Guatemala (11%), Brazil (16%), and Colombia and Jamaica (18%).