Estrutura administrativa e política
Es una nación independiente, parte de la Mancomunidad de Naciones Británica. Su forma de gobierno es la democracia parlamentaria en un régimen de monarquía constitucional. El Jefe de Estado es el Monarca Británico, representado en el país por un Gobernador General. El Jefe de Gobierno es el Primer Ministro, quien es designado por el Gobernador General en función de su posición en tanto líder del Partido o Coalición mayoritaria en un proceso electoral.
El país se divide en 14 regiones administrativas, llamadas "parroquias".
Parlamento nacional
Bicameral (Senate and House of Representatives).
Governo municipal
There is no provincial executive. Below the National Executive, there are only local parishes with limited authority. The island's 60 constituencies are subdivided into 227 electoral divisions, each of which is represented by a Parish Councillor.
Duração do mandato
Prime Minister, Senate and House of Representatives: Maximum of 5 years from formation of government.
Sistema representativo
House of Representatives: Majority: Direct simple majority vote. Vacancies are filled through by-elections. Voting is not compulsory. Senate: The Senators are appointed by the Governor-General: 13 are appointed on the advice of the Prime Minister and 8 on the advice of the Leader of the Opposition.
Tipo de listas
No aplica.
Circunscrição eleitoral
House of Representatives: 63 single-member constituencies.
Leis de quota e paridade
Instrumentos legais aplicáveis aos municípios
Constitution (Amendment) (Local Government) Act 2015; Local Governance Act 2016; Local Government (Financing and Financial Management) Act 2016; Local Government (Unified Service and Employment) Act 2016.