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São Cristóvão e Nevis

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Participação de mulheres em gabinetes ministeriais (Em porcentagens)

Relatórios e estudos

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Políticas de igualdade de gênero

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Leis mais recentes

  • 24/09/2008 | Lei / Política

    The Trafficking in Persons Prevention Act

    This act prescribe measures to prevent and combat trafficking in persons with particular regard to victims who are women and children, and for related matters.

  • 01/01/2005 | Lei / Política

    Domestic Violence Act (most recent modification 2005)

    An act to make provision for the protection of any person subjected to domestic violence, and to provide for related or incidental matters.

  • 31/12/2002 | Lei / Política

    Criminal Law Amendment Act

    This act provides the protection of women and girls from those who would wish to cause them sexual harm, or exploit them for sexual purposes; and to provide for related or incidental matters.