This act prescribe measures to prevent and combat trafficking in persons with particular regard to victims who are women and children, and for related matters.
São Cristóvão e Nevis
Indicador em destaque
Participação de mulheres em gabinetes ministeriais (Em porcentagens)
Relatórios e estudos
Não há resultados.
Políticas de igualdade de gênero
Não há resultados.
Leis mais recentes
- Lei / Política Autonomía física
The Trafficking in Persons Prevention Act
- Lei / Política Physical Autonomy
Domestic Violence Act (most recent modification 2005)
An act to make provision for the protection of any person subjected to domestic violence, and to provide for related or incidental matters.
- Lei / Política Physical Autonomy
Chapter 12.09, Marriage Act
Section 28(3) states that a marriage solemnised between persons either of whom is under the age of sixteen shall be void: provided however that the Attorney-General or his or her representative may, in his discretion, if, for serious reasons, he or she considers it to be in the interest of the intending spouses so to do, grant a licence to marry to any person under the age of sixteen but over the age of fifteen. Finally, section 28(1) states that the age of consent for marriage is 18 years old.