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30/05/2016 | Documento

Classification of Time-Use Activities for Latin America and the Caribbean (CAUTAL)

The Classification of Time-Use Activities for Latin America and the Caribbean (CAUTAL) is the outcome of an extensive working process undertaken by the Working Group on Gender Statistics of the Statistical Conference of the Americas (SCA) to meet the need of Latin American and Caribbean countries for a gender-sensitive instrument appropriate to the regional context that could be used to harmonize and standardize time-use surveys and produce statistics in this area.

Everyday activities and the time spent on them are part of a context defined by gender, social, economic and cultural factors and by the legal and institutional framework. CAUTAL provides the opportunity to obtain a comprehensive, organized understanding of the activities people carry out and the time they spend on them. Thus, it brings to light the different time allocations of women and men, providing inputs and evidence for public equality policies in the social and economic spheres.


Departamento de Asuntos Económicos y Sociales, División de Estadísticas CEPAL

