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Political and administrative structure

A unitary republic with a representative democratic government. Politically and administratively, the country is divided into 9 departments, 112 provinces, 327 municipalities and 1,384 cantons.

National parliament

The Plurinational Legislative Assembly is bicameral. The House of Representatives consists of 130 members directly elected for 5 years. The Senate consists of 36 members directly elected for 5 years.

Municipal government

The municipal government is headed by a municipal council and a mayor. Councilpersons are elected by universal, direct and secret suffrage. Mayoral candidates are listed at the top of the space on the ballot designated for council candidates from each party. Mayors are chosen by absolute majority of valid votes. (Law Nº 1984, Electoral Code, Chap. II - Municipal Government. Art. 94 - Exercise of Municipal Government Functions. Art. 4, Constitution of the State of Bolivia, Art. 94, sub-paragraphs 3, 4 and 5).

Duration of terms

The municipal government is headed by a municipal council and a mayor. Councilpersons are elected by universal, direct and secret suffrage. Mayoral candidates are listed at the top of the space on the ballot designated for council candidates from each party. Mayors are chosen by absolute majority of valid votes. (Law Nº 1984, Electoral Code, Chap. II - Municipal Government. Art. 94 - Exercise of Municipal Government Functions. Art. 4, Constitution of the State of Bolivia, Art. 94, sub-paragraphs 3, 4 and 5).

Representation system

Absolute majority for mayors. If no mayoral candidate obtains an absolute majority, the municipal council selects the two candidates with the highest number of valid votes and selects one, by absolute majority of votes among elected councilpersons. Proportional majority for councilpersons.

Type of list

Closed list. Mayoral candidates listed at the top of municipal council candidate lists.

Electoral constituency

Plurinominal. Municipal council members are elected in each municipality in the same manner as national legislators. Electoral Regulation Law. Chap. 5.

Quota and parity laws

See Regulations.

Legal instruments applicable to municipalities

The country's municipal system is covered in Title Six (Municipal System, Art. 200), which provides for the establishment of municipal governments and municipal autonomy. Art. 201 addresses the organization and powers of the municipal government. Law 2028 (Municipalities Law).

Electoral Justice

The National Electoral Court is responsible for overseeing national, regional and local elections (Electoral Code, Art.35).