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Femicide or feminicide

Corresponds to the quantification of homicides of women killed by gender violence. Expressed in absolute number and rate per 100,000 women. According to national laws, it is called femicide, feminicide, or aggravated homicide due to gender.


In the 26 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean that reported data for the year 2022, notes that in Latin America, the highest rates of femicides, femicides or deaths gender-based violence against women were recorded in Honduras (6.0), the Dominican Republic. Dominican Republic (2.9), El Salvador and Uruguay (1.6 in both countries). The lowest rates (less than 1 victim of femicide or femicide per 100,000 women) presented in Puerto Rico, Peru, Colombia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Chile and Cuba. The latter country has the lowest rate (0.3 cases of gender-based homicides per 100,000 women).

The figures for this indicator have remained slightly changed over the last four years, for 12 countries (Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia, Nicaragua, Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Panama, Costa Rica, Chile, Mexico and Argentina). Another group of countries and territories (Honduras, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic) shows an increase in the indicator in the last four years.  (See Bulletin N°2: Femicidal Violence in Figures).

It is very relevant to note that the current information on the victims of femicide or femicide does not allow comparing the existing time series for the countries of the region and that the total number of annual femicides has varied retroactively in recent years, thus the data for 2021 and other years, for some countries varied with respect to those published in 2022 and modified the figure published in previous years. This is due to corrections in the processes of improvement of the administrative records of femicide or femicide developed at the national level, due to legislative modifications, the development of methodological adjustments or the clarification of judicial cases.