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Participação de mulheres em gabinetes ministeriais (Em porcentagens)

Relatórios e estudos

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Políticas de igualdade de gênero

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Leis mais recentes

  • Lei / Política Autonomía física

    Employment Sexual Harassment (Prevention) Act

    This Act makes provision for the protection of employees from sexual harassment in the workplace.

  • Lei / Política Autonomía física

    Trafficking in Persons Prevention Act

    This Bill would give effect to the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, Supplementing the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime and for matters connected therewith.

  • Lei / Política Autonomía física

    Domestic Violence (Protection Orders) (Amendment) Act

    This Act amends the Domestic Violence (Protection Orders) Act, Cap. 130A to define domestic violence and to make greater provision for the safety of victims of domestic violence and the accountability of perpetrators of domestic violence.